Wednesday 25 February 2015

Pom pom sight words


We have been doing more literacy activities recently as D has just turned 5. She is very interested in writing but not so interested in reading yet. Therefore, I have to come up with some fun ideas to try and get her excited about words. 

Pom poms are a favourite with the children. We often use them in fun activities like this one here but we had not used them in literacy yet. I filled up a bowl with pom poms and placed it on the table with some large tweezers. R immediately started trying the tweezers out. He practiced using his pincer grip to pick up the pom poms with the tweezers. An excellent way to develop this fine motor skill.


I wrote some sight words on sheets of A4 paper and placed them next to the pom poms. I asked D if she could try placing the pom poms on the letters using the tweezers. We spoke about the shapes of the letters and the letter sounds. I asked her what words she was spelling out. It took quite a while for her to cover each word but I think this was good as she spent a lot of time looking at each word and practicing it. D has a good attention span now so this was not a problem for her.

You could make this activity more difficult by asking children to spell out the words using the pom poms on plain paper rather than them having to copy the words. You could make it easier by writing single letters on paper and practicing the letter sounds. If tweezers are too difficult, ask your child to use their fingers instead. 

Make this a bilingual activity by practicing words from another language. We will be trying this with turkish words soon!



  1. This looks like a great activity! It's such a quirky idea!

  2. This looks like such a great idea! And makes great art work too ;)

    1. Yes art work with pompoms would look fab. What a great idea!

  3. This is such s great idea to make writing actually a fun task, I always thought kids would enjoy writing more so than reading, guess they're all different.

    1. Thank you :) yes my 5 year old still enjoys writing more than reading! she did still enjoy this activity though.

  4. What a great way to make writing more fun and exciting for children x

    1. Sometimes kids can find writing boring so it's nice to make it fun for them.


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