Monday 31 December 2018

New Year's Resolutions 2019

What a year 2018 has been! Full of ups and downs as most years are. A year of juggling motherhood and homeschooling with being a blogger. A year of meeting new people and making connections. A year of reflection on the past and starting to understand what I want out of life and where I want to be.


Monday 17 December 2018

Motherhood Musings - Last Baby Turns One!

The first couple of years of a child's life are incredible. They start out as a tiny, helpless bundle unable to do anything for themselves but over the space of two years they learn to sit, walk and begin talking. One of the biggest joys of having children has been to watch this remarkable transformation unfolding before my eyes. I just love to witness each milestone and watch my children grow and develop, learning all the skills they need for independence.


Sunday 18 November 2018

The Problem With Muslims

You may have noticed that I have taken a considerable break from blogging recently. It started when I decided to concentrate on my YouTube channel again. This has been taking up a lot of my time but has been thoroughly enjoyable! I just love creating content on video and the children have been enjoying watching back over the things we have done.

I wondered whether I would return to blogging at all. I suppose I may have had writers block (bloggers block (is that a thing?)) and I didn't have any motivation to write. However, there are things I have been pondering lately and I thought writing them down may help me get it all out and work through my feelings on the subject; the problem with Muslims.


Thursday 2 August 2018

Language Learning Strategies For Kids

This summer we are taking a well-deserved break from homeschooling. The last year has been rather stressful with the addition of a new baby into the family and adjusting our lives and homeschool routine. 


Monday 30 July 2018

Stonehenge and Stone Age Unit Study

We are so lucky to live relatively close to Stonehenge, one of the wonders of the world. I took the children to Stonehenge for the first time last year when we were learning about the Stone Ages. It was such a good way to consolidate their learning. Field trips are good like that. In fact, there is a famous quote that states, 'It is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times' and I wholeheartedly agree. You should try and let your children learn through practical experience, where possible. 


Thursday 12 July 2018

June Nature Study

If you have read about our homeschool curriculum or follow my instagram account, you will know we are following a nature curriculum this year called 'Exploring Nature With Children'. It is a wonderful curriculum that covers different topics each week of the year. For each week, there are activities to do, recommended reading, poetry and a piece of art to study. The curriculum incorporates science, English, art and nature studies so it is really varied. You can check out the curriculum here.


Monday 2 July 2018

Baby Talk - the Good and the Bad

Parents of young children will no doubt have heard the term 'baby talk' being bandied about. Whether it be a well-meaning relative playfully saying 'goo goo gaga' to your baby or a friend telling you it is bad for speech and language development. As with most things, there are differing views but it is important to know the facts. So what exactly is baby talk and is it good or bad?


Thursday 28 June 2018

World Cup Geography + FREE Printables!

As a homeschooler I know that so much learning can occur anytime, anywhere and that includes watching football on TV. When we get these big, global events, such as the Olympics or the football World Cup, I know that they can offer amazing opportunities for my children to learn. 


Sunday 10 June 2018

8 Reasons to Use Exploring Nature With Children In Your Homeschool

Nature study was not something I was familiar with as a child. After all, my parents trusted the UK education system for my education and exploring nature was most certainly not on the agenda. Therefore, I spent most of my life oblivious to the beauty that was right under my nose. I rushed past autumn seed heads, wild flowers and mini beasts without a backward glance. Now, as a homeschool mum, I am experiencing the joy of nature study for the first time alongside my children and it is all thanks to a wonderful nature curriculum. Let me tell you about it.


Wednesday 6 June 2018

May Nature Studies

If you have read about our homeschool curriculum or follow my instagram account, you will know we are following a nature curriculum this year called 'Exploring Nature With Children'. It is a wonderful curriculum that covers different topics each week of the year. For each week, there are activities to do, recommended reading, poetry and a piece of art to study. The curriculum incorporates science, English, art and nature studies so it is really varied. You can check out the curriculum here.


Wednesday 30 May 2018

Reasons For Fasting in Ramadan - Activities For Kids + Free Printables!

Before I became Muslim, I wondered why Muslims fast during Ramadan. I wanted to know what the point of it was and why Muslims would want to abstain from food and drink during daylight hours for a whole month. I must admit, it seemed like a pretty crazy thing to do! So, before I became Muslim, I just had to find this out for myself. 


Sunday 27 May 2018

Sainsbury's Little Ones Baby Food

Weaning your baby can be an anxious and exciting time. There are so many different methods out there and differing information about the dos and don'ts of starting your baby on solid food, so it can be hard to know what to do. Some say start at 4 months and some say 6 months. Some say to start with purees and others say to give them what you are eating. As a mother of four, currently weaning my fourth baby, a mixture of both methods has worked really well for us and this is where Sainsbury's Little Ones baby food has come in handy.


Thursday 17 May 2018

Get Set For Ramadan and Eid With

When I first became Muslim, just over 10 years ago, I did not have any traditions for celebrating Ramadan and Eid. I was used to the fancy decorations used at Christmas and wondered if there was something similar available for Eid as well. I remember being crestfallen at how bland Eid seemed to be in comparison to Christmas, which was full of lights, colour and sparkle. I searched for products to help Eid feel more exciting but I was disappointed with the choices available. The only option was to make my own.


Thursday 10 May 2018

How to Homeschool During Ramadan

Ramadan is a beautiful and blessed month full of excitement and wonder. We spend the days abstaining from food and drink and the long days of fasting can take their toll on our mind and body. If you are anything like me, you may not have the energy to follow your usual routine. You might not have the energy to take the children out so much or do so much housework. This can cause some anxiety and guilt but do not be too hard on yourself. As the days go on and your body becomes used to fasting, it becomes easier. 


Wednesday 9 May 2018

April Nature Studies

If you have read about our homeschool curriculum or follow my instagram account, you will know we are following a nature curriculum this year called 'Exploring Nature With Children'. It is a wonderful curriculum that covers different topics each week of the year. For each week, there are activities to do, recommended reading, poetry and a piece of art to study. The curriculum incorporates science, English, art and nature studies so it is really varied. You can check out the curriculum here.


Wednesday 2 May 2018

How Children Learn Through Baking

The Great British Bake Off is a favourite programme in our house as well as many other households across the country. As a family we look forward to it every year and it inspires us to get baking at home. From savoury pies to sugary cupcakes, there are a myriad things to bake and enjoy.


Monday 23 April 2018

Prophet Yusuf (as) Crafts For Kids

We follow a history curriculum called 'Story of the World' in our homeschool. While this is an excellent curriculum in many ways, it does have a Christian influence which means that some of its teachings can be problematic for Muslim families. 

Thursday 19 April 2018

Homeschool Weekly Planning + Free Printables!

Planning for your homeschool can be a very daunting concept to those new to homeschooling. There are many methods to consider as well as countless learning resources and curricula to try and fit into a schedule. When I began to homeschool I found many videos and articles about planning your homeschool year. I thought this was what I should be doing. If that's what other people are doing then I should do it too, right?


Monday 9 April 2018

March Nature Studies

If you have read about our homeschool curriculum or follow my instagram account, you will know we are following a nature curriculum this year called 'Exploring Nature With Children'. It is a wonderful curriculum that covers different topics each week of the year. For each week, there are activities to do, recommended reading, poetry and a piece of art to study. The curriculum incorporates science, English, art and nature studies so it is really varied. You can check out the curriculum here.


Monday 26 March 2018

Beatrix Potter Unit Study

When I was growing up I remember learning about historical figures at school. Florence Nightingale, Alexander Bell and Louis Pasteur to name a few. I realised it is important for me to teach my children about people who have achieved great things in their lifetime, as a way to inspire and motivate them as well as increase their knowledge of the world. Not only is it fascinating to learn how these people learnt and developed their passions and talents, it is also a great way to start learning about different topics such as art, fashion and science.

I decided to start with learning about Beatrix Potter as all three of my older children love or have loved the books she wrote and I was interested in exploring the topics of creative writing and painting with my them. 


Monday 19 March 2018

Teaching Kids to Read Ages 0-5

Literacy skills are crucial for all aspects of life. Reading is important not only for enjoyment but also for learning and functioning in society. The path towards literacy begins the day a baby is born. It is never too young to begin reading to your baby and the foundations laid in the first few years of life will set them up for success later on.

I am so excited to tell you about a brand new, self-paced online course called Teaching Kids to Read Ages 0-5. Beginning on March 23rd, this course is designed to help you raise confident and successful readers from birth.


Sunday 11 March 2018

Feed the Baby Hummus Book Review + Giveaway!

Raising children is the most challenging and rewarding thing you can do. I am raising four children and I have read my fair share of parenting books. In fact, I am a bit of a parenting book addict; always on the look out for the newest guide with the latest tips and advice. Like all parents, I want to do my best to bring up happy and successful children. I just want to do it right. 


Thursday 8 March 2018

February Nature Studies

If you have read about our homeschool curriculum or follow my instagram account, you will know we are following a nature curriculum this year called 'Exploring Nature With Children'. It is a wonderful curriculum that covers different topics each week of the year. For each week, there are activities to do, recommended reading, poetry and a piece of art to study. The curriculum incorporates science, English, art and nature studies so it is really varied. You can check out the curriculum here.


Tuesday 6 March 2018

How to Read More

When I was young, there was nothing I loved more than reading a good book. I remember waking up in the morning and reaching for a book before breakfast. I would also be reading last thing at night. I loved it. But as I grew older I started to read less and less.

I think one of the problems was my studies. I spent more time reading non-fiction, degree-related, academic writing and I stopped reading novels. Then, when I became a mother, I was so busy looking after the children and keeping house, I no longer had much time to read at all! However, I miss those days when I often had my nose stuck in a good book. I miss those imaginary scenes in my head and those places a good book can take you to. Also, I have piles and piles of books because, although I am not reading much, I have not stopped buying. You see, I just love books! I love to read and I love to learn. 


Tuesday 27 February 2018

The Rhyming Rabbit - Storytelling, Puppets and Poetry

World Book Day 2018

World Book Day 2018 is just around the corner so we have been spending lots of time reading books and doing activities related to our favourites. One of our favourite children's authors is Julia Donaldson and I always pick up new book titles whenever I see them. A recent purchase was 'The Rhyming Rabbit'. I was drawn to it by its bold and sparkly illustrations (there is glitter on every page) as well as the wonderful poems inside.


Monday 19 February 2018

Which Language Should I Speak to my Child?

Multilingual parents often wonder which language they should be speaking to their child. Deciding which language or languages to speak to your child can be a worrying and confusing issue. This is particularly true if you have more than two languages to choose from. The more languages you have in your language environment, the more confusing it becomes. Should you concentrate on the majority language (the language spoken in the community in which you live)? Or should you speak a minority language (a language which

Thursday 8 February 2018

January Nature Studies

If you have read about our homeschool curriculum or follow my instagram account, you will know we are following a nature curriculum this year called 'Exploring Nature With Children'. It is a wonderful curriculum that covers different topics each week of the year. For each week, there are activities to do, recommended reading, poetry and a piece of art to study. The curriculum incorporates science, English, art and nature studies so it is really varied. You can check out the curriculum here.


Thursday 1 February 2018

Olympic Games Crafts for Kids

The Winter Olympics 2018 are just around the corner and we are getting very excited about watching and learning about the winter sports. This year the Winter Olympics are taking place in Pyeongchang, South Korea, a country we know very little about. 


Friday 26 January 2018

Yumi's Extraordinary Collection Book Review

I am so excited to be taking part in Multicultural Children's Book Day 2018! I am taking part in this event for the first time this year. It is a great initiative that puts multicultural children's books on the map and celebrates diversity. Not only this, the founders of Multicultural Children's Book Day also aim to get more of these diverse books into schools and libraries. 


Wednesday 24 January 2018

How to Establish a Homeschool Routine + Free Printables!

Before I began to homeschool I had all these pre-conceived ideas about what homeschooling should look like. I had read books, watched videos and prepared in many other ways before I took the plunge. I had it all mapped out and I could imagine what homeschooling would be like for our family. Then, I deregistered my daughter from school and things were not so rosy. I struggled to distinguish between work time and play time and I also became overwhelmed with the sheer amount of meet ups, clubs and activities available for homeschooled children in our area. I had no idea where to start! Because of this, we did not get nearly as much done as I had envisaged. 


Monday 15 January 2018

Winter-Themed Sensory Play With Cars

sensory play with cars

Children love to explore the world with all their senses. Therefore, sensory play activities offer valuable learning experiences for children. They use the sensory information they acquire through play, to make sense of the world around them. The sound, sight, touch, smell and taste of things children experience, builds neural pathways in their brains enhancing their development. Sensory information allows children to build cognitive skills and motor skills. It increases language development and encourages social interaction and problem solving. With so many benefits, I believe it is important to create sensory play environments for children at home.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Language Mixing in Young Bilinguals - Why They Do It and What It Means

I often get asked if it is a problem for bilingual child to mix languages when they are speaking. Parents are worried that their child may be confused because they are not keeping the languages separate. They may worry that their child does not know that these languages are different, when they should speak each language and to whom. Young children mix languages a lot, but is this really a problem?


Friday 5 January 2018

December Nature Studies

If you have read about our homeschool curriculum or follow my instagram account, you will know we are following a nature curriculum this year called 'Exploring Nature With Children'. It is a wonderful curriculum that covers different topics each week of the year. For each week, there are activities to do, recommended reading, poetry and a piece of art to study. The curriculum incorporates science, English, art and nature studies so it is really varied. You can check out the curriculum here.


Monday 1 January 2018

Tips For Learning Turkish

For the last few months I have been sharing my monthly goals with you and setting monthly goals is proving to be very successful. Back in November, my goals were to be more productive and organised. I felt like my productivity had slipped considerably during the end of my pregnancy and looking after a newborn, quite understandably. Sometimes you do need to take it easy and have a break for a while. However, after having a break, it can be really difficult to get back into things. Therefore, setting yourself goals can be helpful.

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