Sunday 21 May 2017

A new start

How has it been almost two years since I last posted?! Time slips by so fast you could just blink and miss it. The last two years have definitely been a roller coaster ride. Welcoming a new baby, business ventures came and went, my eldest went to school and then we went back to home educating again, I stopped my PhD and now we are finally beginning to settle down into an enjoyable and happy routine. I finally feel like I know where we are going. 

I have decided it is time to start blogging again. I find it such a useful way to document our day to day happenings and share my knowledge and experiences in the hope that someone out there may find it useful. I have enjoyed looking back at my old blog posts over the last few weeks and reminiscing about days gone by.

As so much time has passed since my last post, I am going to start by writing a post or two about what we have been up to over the past two years. It's a review of our lives which will help you to get up to date with what we have been up to and allow me to piece together our journey that has led us to the place we are now.

Here goes....



  1. Welcome back to blogging! Can't believe it's been so long, where did this time go? :o

    1. Thank you! I know, can't believe it. It's just flown by!


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