Saturday 25 July 2015

Making necklaces with beads


Threading beads is a great activity that helps your child develop fine motor skills. I purchased some pony beads in a myriad of colours which the children could not resist getting their hands on! I have some plastic needles suitable for young children which I thought would be a good way for the children to use for threading the beads onto the wool.


D loved picking out her favourite beads and threading them onto the wool. She made an extremely long necklace which she often wears.


R surprised me by also being very good at threading the beads onto the wool using the needle. However, with his short attention span he got bored after a while so did not manage to finish his project. I left it in the bead box and he goes back to it from time to time to add more beads.


1 comment

  1. Salam alaykum! We did some beading ourselves a few days ago.
    Your children look like they really was into it. MashaAllah. I make my own jewllery so whenever I get my beads and jewels out no doubt my lot want to join in too! Hope you are well and taking care.


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