Saturday 25 July 2015

Mosque sponge painting


Recently I have not been blogging as much as I would like to. I guess having a newborn as well as two older children does not give me much time for blogging at the moment. However, I now have a bit of a backlog of things to post about so I'd better get started!

This is an activity we did months ago. A lovely craft activity we found on a wonderful blog called Karima's crafts. We used homemade stencils to sponge paint onto black card to create this scene of a mosque at night. The original post can be found here.


I drew a mosque outline onto some card and then cut it out to create a stencil. I did the same for the stars and moon. Then I stuck the stencils onto some black card as I knew R wouldn't be able to hold it still on the paper.


Using grey paint, R painted the mosque onto the card using a sponge brush.


I found some glow-in-the-dark paint for him to use to paint the stars and moon so that they would glow at night like the stars outside.


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