Saturday 4 April 2015

Easter biscuit recipe


Ok so we don't celebrate Easter but my parents are Catholic and they do. I could eat Easter biscuits all year round but, when I was growing up, my Mum would only allow us to make them at Easter time. The recipe I use is one my Mum has had for many years. These biscuits taste absolutely delicious so we normally double or triple the recipe so we have plenty to eat when all the family come to visit. As usual, we headed over to my parent's house to make these biscuits.


Here it is, the secret recipe! We normally use recipe 1 as I like to mix the currants into the mixture and, also, I don't want to wait 2 hours before baking! Cassia oil is a must for this recipe. It's what gives the biscuits their distinctive flavour and makes them simply irresistible!


We added the flour, sugar and butter together and mixed well. The children always enjoy getting their hand in, as long as the mixture is not too wet and sticky and this one is not. Then, we added the egg yolks and currants and the mixture formed a dough.


Then, the children had fun rolling out the dough. They love to use the rolling pin!


D has a go at rolling.


Next comes the best bit; cutting out the biscuits using biscuit cutters.


We placed the biscuits on a buttered baking tray and baked for the stated time.


Remove the biscuits from the oven once cooked and leave to cool on a wire rack. Enjoy!



  1. Your biscuits have some funky shapes. I like it :-)
    Happy Easter even if you don't really celebrate it.

  2. Oh these easter biscuits look like a lot of fun to make...and eat - have an amazing Easter

    Laura x

  3. Those biscuits look fab and i bet they taste good too. Thats a really nice simply recipe x

  4. They look really lovely! I'm a huge biscuit fan so might have to try baking these! xx

    1. You should give them a try. They are delicious!

  5. I love seeing little ones baking - its such a nice way to spend quality time together. Thanks for linking up #WhatsYourWeekend

  6. They look so delicious. Will give this a try soon! #bakeoftheweek


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