Tuesday 3 March 2015

Learning about teeth


One day D stated that she would like to learn about teeth! I was surprised but it is not the first time she has surprised me with her unusual (is it unusual or is it just me?) requests. Maybe it was the activities we did last week about the sense of taste when we learnt about the tongue that sparked this interest, who knows? But, as a firm believer in following the child's lead, I began to put together some learning activities based on this topic.


The first activity we did was some finger painting! This is always good fun for young children as it is quite easy for them to do successfully. I cut a mouth out of red paper, then put some white paint in a pot for the children to use to paint the teeth.


I think it looked quite effective!


This is R's attempt, a good try.


Whilst the paint was out, I thought of another painting craft. I cut a paper plate in half and told D to paint some red lips round the edge. Then, she drew some teeth inside.


Next, I asked D to think of some adjectives that describe teeth. Here are the words she thought of. 


She wrote them down herself. She loves writing.


Next, we talked about ways we could look after our teeth. D had become a bit tired of writing by this stage so I wrote down what she said.


Whilst we were doing the writing activities, R had some colouring in to do.


Here's what he got up to.



  1. this actually makes me miss my childhood! wish i did things like this

  2. I love your educational activities, another lovely way to learn something useful x

  3. This is way cute! Such a good activity that I might actually do with my brother!

    Ree / Coffee with Ree

  4. What a great idea using paper plate to teach about teeth, love it!

    1. Paper plates can be used for many things. Very versatile :)

  5. Aww bless them, my boy's at an inquisitive age where he's always asking things like this :) xx


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