At the end of each year I like to do a round up of my most popular blog posts of the year. In the last year I did not blog nearly as much as I did in the previous year and this was mainly due to the amount of time I spent creating and running my brand new parenting courses. However, I did write some very popular blog posts and here they are; the best of Multicultural Motherhood 2019!
I am thrilled to see this article in the top spot of my most read articles of 2019. If you don't already know, I am a Speech and Language Therapist and have been blogging about speech, language and bilingualism for years. During this time I have seen an increase in the number of children with speech and language difficulties as well as a decrease in the amount of help that is available to parents on the NHS. With 1 in 5 children starting school with an early language delay, I knew something had to be done to improve children's early language skills. I also know that parents have the power to help boost their child's speech and language once they know how. That is why I created the Raising Talkers course to help parents to help their child. I have had such fantastic feedback from this course and it has been a pleasure to work with so many commited parents. Looking forward to helping more families this year!
This article outlines ways in which you can help boost your child's speech and language skills. Whether you have a baby who is at the beginning of their language acquisition journey or a toddler who is showing signs of a delay, this article will give you lots of easy ways you can help them to learn to talk.
As a blogger with quite a large following, I feel a certain responsibility to raise awareness about issues which I feel strongly about. From climate change to parenting practises, I like to help by sharing information that will help people understand more about these important issues that can have a big impact on their children. After reading some books about the dangers of sleep training, as well as seeing other large social media accounts promoting the practise, I felt it was my duty to share the other side of the story - the negative impact it can have on your child. I spent a lot of time researching this topic in order to give you the most up to date and accurate information. Therefore, I am so glad to see that it was one of my most read blog posts of the year. When people take the time to read my work, it really makes me think all the hard work I put into my writing is worthwhile. Thank you!
Following on from the article about sleep training was this article about cosleeping. In this article I talk about our cosleeping journey from being told it wasn't allowed to discovering how much better it was for us all. It literally saved me from years of sleep deprivation. Hurrah! If you would like to find out more about the benefits of cosleeping this article is packed with the facts.
As someone who is truly passionate about outdoor play and learning, I am so pleased that one of my outdoor-themed blog posts made it into the top five posts of the year. I spent a lot of time during 2019 promoting the benefits of outdoor play and learning as well as encouraging everyone to spend more time outdoors. In spring, I set up '7 days
of outdoor play', a seasonal campaign that challenges people to get outdoors every day for 7 days. I am excited to be running '7 days of outdoor play in winter' at the end of January. Follow me on instagram for more details of how to get involved and to join in! Check out this article to discover 50 outdoor activities for kids. I hope it will inspire you to spend more time outdoors as a family.
Finally I would like to share two blog posts that, although I did not write them in 2019, are my top blog posts of all time. If other people like them, hopefully you will too! They are:
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