Monday 22 August 2022

Clear Speech: How to do Speech Therapy at Home - Online Course

Children learn to say sounds by listening to people talking to them and around them. Some children have difficulties acquiring one or more speech sounds and this makes their speech unclear to other people. It is important to remember that young children are not able to produce every sound. This is because speech is a complicated process and over 100 sets of muscles are used in the production of the vowels and consonants of English. It takes a lot of practise at coordinating these muscles before a child is able to produce intelligible speech. Furthermore, there is a process of speech sound acquisition which all children go through and each sound is acquired at a specific stage of development. Therefore, it is normal for children of certain ages to make errors in their speech.

Although the exact number is unclear, research suggests that between 2-25% of children between the ages of 5-7 years old have a speech sound difficulty. Persistent speech difficulties can lead to a number of problems. Firstly, if a child has a difficulty saying certain sounds, it could affect the intelligibility of their speech which results in other people struggling to understand them. This could lead to the child becoming frustrated because they are not being understood. It can also be frustrating for family members and friends who are struggling to understand them! This can impact on a child's confidence and self-esteem. On top of this, speech sound difficulties can also cause problems at school. Children with speech difficulties may have problems with social integration, early literacy development, educational attainment and mental health. So it really is important that your child gets help with their speech sound difficulties if possible.

As a Speech and Language Therapist, I am constantly asked about speech sound difficulties. Many parents worry about their child struggling with one or more sounds. They may ask for their child to be referred to speech and language therapy but they do not always get the help they need. Firstly, there is a long waiting list for speech therapy here in the UK and if your child only has difficulty with one or two sounds, they will not be a priority and, therefore, at the bottom of the list. Secondly, even after a long wait on the waiting list, your child may be assessed and you are told that they cannot offer you much more than a group session or a leaflet for you to take home that will give you some exercises to do. You will not get much information that will help your child in the long run. You may wish to pay for speech and language therapy privately but that can be expensive depending of the amount of speech therapy your child requires.

I strongly believe that parents should be equipped with the knowledge to help their child to talk. This is why I have created this course. It is my aim to empower parents with the knowledge and confidence they need to do speech therapy with their child at home. Whether your child has a lisp or multiple speech sound difficulties, I will train you to help your child. Don't get stuck on waiting lists that will lead to little help. You have the power to help your child now!

Sign up now!

Get 30% discount using the code blackfriday if you sign up before December 4th! 

Course content

This course has four modules that are designed to be completed over four weeks, see below for a break down of each module. Each week there will be videos informing you about the weekly topic and a PDF guide for you to go through. As well as informing about each topic, the PDF guides will help you to reflect on your child's progress and give you the knowledge you need to carry out speech therapy with your child at home. 

The course will cover the following topics:

Week 1  - Typical speech acquisition     

This week covers typical (normal) speech acquisition in detail. Learn how we speak and how we produce each sound. You will learn about the simplification processes children go through when they are learning to talk. Discover the ages that each sound is acquired and simplification processes disappears. Using my useful guides, you will be able to work out whether your child has a delay a disorder or has typical speech development.

Week 2 - Atypical speech acquisition

We will look at some of the difficulties children may have with their speech sound development. We will discuss the different types of difficulties that may be causing your child to have produce incorrect speech sounds. Some of the difficulties we will be covering are speech delays, motor difficulties and phonological difficulties. We will look at some of the possible causes for such difficulties and also discuss the warning signs to look out for if you think there may be a problem.

 Week 3 - Speech therapy at home

This is the week I will train you to do speech therapy with your child at home. I break down the speech therapy process into clear stages that you will be able to work through one at a time. I will give you tips and advice to help you get started.

Week 4 - Fun games for speech practise

This week I will be going through each speech sound and explaining how you can help your child to produce it. I will be sharing lots of fun games and activities that you can do with your child in your speech therapy sessions at home. You will be able to check in with me to discuss the progress of both you and your child and ask me any questions you may have about your child's speech development.

    By the end of this course you will be equipped with the knowledge to be able to carry out speech therapy with your child at home.

    Who is the course for?

    This course is for parents of children of any age who are struggling to talk clearly due to speech sound difficulties. Whether it be due to a lisp, another single sound difficulty, or multiple speech sound difficulties, this course will empower you with the knowledge and know how to carry out speech therapy with your child at home. Beat the waiting lists and/or save money on regular speech therapy sessions!

    Sign up now!

    The course costs £129 for LIFETIME ACCESS!  Get 30% discount using the code blackfriday if you sign up before December 4th! 

    If you are unsure whether your child's speech difficulties are typical developmental errors or a speech sound difficulty, please contact me at to discuss your suitability for the course.

    Who am I?

    My name is Ronni and I am a Speech and Language Therapist living in the south west of England. I am also a homeschool mum to four children aged 9, 7, 3 and 1. Since qualifying as a speech and language therapist, I have undertaken post-graduate research at the University of Reading on the topic of bilingual children with autism. This enabled me to gain a specialism in bilingualism and autism. 

    I believe that parents can take their child's speech and language needs into their own hands, given the right training. Therefore, my aim is to empower parents with the knowledge to be able to help their child themselves. Communication is the basis of everything and a child's ability to speak clearly can have a negative affect on their confidence and self-esteem. It can also be incredibly frustrating for them, and those around them, if they are not able to make themselves understood. By helping them to speak more clearly you will give them confidence and happiness. I believe every child deserves the chance to thrive and my courses will help your child to do that. 

    Case study - the difference parents can make

    My eldest child had a speech sound difficulty. She couldn't say a 'k' sound so 'cat' would be 'tat' and 'car' became 'tar'. This is quite a common difficulty and what my daughter was doing was a speech simplification process called fronting. Fronting of speech sounds is a typical process children go through when learning to talk. However, each simplification process disappears at a certain age. In the case of fronting, the process should be eliminated from a child's speech when they are around three and a half years old. My daughter was four and was still doing this. I knew I had to help her to learn to produce the 'k' sound. I began to do speech therapy with my daughter at home. 

    First, we worked on her production of the sound on its own. She struggled a lot at first but I taught her how to place a finger on the tip of her tongue which stopped the tip of her tongue rising up to produce a 't' and instead forced the back of her tongue to rise up to produce a 'k' sound. Once the sound had been established she no longer needed to place her finger on her tongue and was able to produce the sound without any manipulation. It wasn't long before she could say the 'k' sound correctly in words and then within sentences. Before I knew it, she was producing it completely normally and naturally in her speech. I believe any parent can learn the speech therapy process and, in fact, training a parent is crucial in order to achieve the best outcomes for their child because parents have the ability to help their child with their speech far more regularly than a clinician. Let me help you to help your child!

    Feedback for Multicultural Motherhood courses

    "The course was life changing! Wish I came across your page earlier and had taken the course when my son was born." - Umm Luqman

    "I feel even my parenting method has changed Alhamdulillah my son has really progressed a lot. It's really hard to balance between uni, being a mum and wife but the course has really helped me in teaching and understanding my son's needs. P.S. I made my husband read the workbooks also, he really enjoyed them!" - Shafiqa

    "I wish that I had a class like this available before my kids were born or still young." - Adrienne

    "I was jumping in joy when I got these modules because I have got a guideline to understand in which stage of life we are and how to carry over with the process to make her a better talker." - Salma

    "I really enjoyed this course! It was very easy to follow and I looked forward to the live Q and A each week even if I didn't have any questions. The course provided me with more language learning tips and confidence in myself when "teaching" my kids." - Adrienne

    Sign up now!

    The course costs £129 for LIFETIME ACCESS! Get 30% discount using the code blackfriday if you sign up before December 4th! 

    If you are unsure whether your child's speech difficulties are typical developmental errors or a speech sound difficulty, please contact me at to discuss your suitability for the course.


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