Muslimori has been teaching Arabic to students of all ages since she moved to the UK from Egypt after completing a degree in linguistics and translation. Her university dissertation looked at the problems foreign learners encounter while attempting to learn Arabic. After witnessing the struggles language learners had with learning the Arabic language, she thought there must be an easier way for them to learn.
When her first child was born, she became familiar with the Montessori philosophy of teaching and thought these methods could also be used for language learning. She developed the Muslimori Arabic curriculum and online course as a way to make learning Arabic easier. Her aim is to make Arabic learning fun, more hands on and less grammar focused.
The Muslimori Arabic curriculum is certainly a comprehensive one. There are more than 45 videos which introduce each topic as well as brilliant resources ready for you to print out. There are three levels starting at the pre-reading and writing stage and ending .
Montessori method
The curriculum follows the Montessori method which is very practical and fun. Lessons are easy to understand and engaging for the learner. The methods are explained very clearly using videos which aid understanding.

Videos make it easy
This curriculum is innovative in that it is presented through videos. This makes teaching very clear and concise. Through watching the videos you will easily be able to understand different concepts and the methods of teaching and then be able to put them into practise with your own children. Being visual, it makes it much easier to follow along then some densely written curriculum. The videos are well-presented and thought out and give lots of good advice and instruction on, not only what to teach, but how to carry out the teaching methods in real life. Learning how to teach and not just what to teach is one of the best things about this curriculum and makes it possible for those without a teaching background to be able to teach their child successfully.
Great resources
As well as the videos, this curriculum includes many printable resources which have been carefully put together and will aid your child's learning. These include Montessori-style flashcards and lots of different activities for children to do such as play dough sheets, matching games and writing activities. The printable resources are colourful and attractive and I like the fact that many of the objects depicted are photos of real objects and not just clipart. This makes the resources suitable and relatable for even the youngest learners. There are also curated lists of additional resources that will aid your child's learning, such as audio resources and useful websites and apps.
This curriculum is packed full of fun and engaging teaching activities and ideas. The methods are practical which is very important for language learning - especially with children. There are games and activities that children will love and will help to foster a love of language learning in your child.
Suitable for parents/teachers who don't speak much Arabic!
The best thing about this curriculum is the parent or teacher does not need to know much Arabic themselves - they can learn along with their child! This is perfect for me as a native English speaker with very little knowledge of Arabic and I know this will be helpful to a lot of other parents too! However, to use this curriculum you must be able to read the Arabic alphabet. There is a supporting Facebook group, which you are added to after you purchase the curriculum, where you will be able to get help and support.
Amazing value for money!
This course costs just £50 which is excellent value for money as you get so many resources and practical ideas to help you teach Arabic and you can even learn it yourself alongside your child. The video content is invaluable in helping you navigate the course content as well as giving you practical, hands-on strategies for teaching your child Arabic.You can purchase the curriculum HERE.
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